April, Freedom!

45 years of freedom, 45 years after the Carnation Revolution. 25 de Abril SEMPRE!

In April, Portugal celebrates 45th anniversary of liberation from dictatorship. During the Carnation revolution or “gentle“revolution almost not shots were fired. The flowers and music became the symbol instead.

Since 1932, Portugal had been ruled by an authoritarian dictatorship Dictator Antonio Oliveira Salazar. His regime only crumbled on April 25 1974. 20 minutes after midnight, song “Grândola, Vila Morena” by prohibited singer Zeca Afonso was broadcasted in the national radio as a one of the secret symbol. So the Carnation revolution started and led Portugal to democracy.

The central point, where revolution happened, was Lisbon flower market then richly stocked with red carnations which were in season. Some military insurgents put these flowers in the muzzles of their guns and on their uniforms. This image was broadcasted on television worldwide and gave the revolution its name.

In that spirit we will be releasing, under CC BY-SA 4.0, all illustrations and editable files into our GitHub/portucalio during the upcoming months :)

April, 25th. Carnation as symbolic element from the Portuguese non-violent revolution of 1974. The overall line is rough and strong inspired by the courage of the Portuguese citizens who at that time joined forces with the military towards the end of fascist regime. The Lisbon flower market, then richly stocked with carnations which were in season was one of the central points of those gathering. Some military insurgents put these flowers in the barrels of their guns.

Picture of all days in April page from Portucalio calendar

Song: “Grândola, Vila Morena” by Zeca Afonso: an influential folk musician and political singer banned from Portuguese radio at the time. This song was used as the second secret signal, on national radio, of the military coup uploaded by Antonio on Internet Archive

Banner: Edited from Monument in Grandola, made by Bartolomeu dos Santos, Zeca Alfoso, 24 April 1974 under public domain by Claus Bunks